Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Here are some delightful pictures to appeal to your visual senses. Click to view larger photo...

First, I thought a map would be a good idea...especially for those to lazy to actually find where places like Bayuex and Nice actually are. And I love drawing maps.

In Swizterland.

Leaning cliche.

Italian Riviera.

Italian Alps.
Sweet skills.
Oh Tim.
Old Lady.


Big Ben.


  1. Hey Calvin - You're looking thinner. Are you getting enough to eat? What are your typical meals each day? Where do you find access to computer? Did you bring your computer? How much stuff are you taking with you on this particular trip? back pack? Do you get a chance to wash your clothes? How about showers? Are you staying clean? Pretty strange about meeting up with Foster.

  2. Cal, I'm so happy that you guys are soaking up the life in Europe! It sounds like such a blast. So fun reading about your adventures too! Keep em' coming. Sorry the coffee stinks. I guess it'll be one thing to look forward to in coming back to Fergus! ;)
    Breiden misses you and told me yesterday that he really hopes you find a celtic warrior so that you can take a picture of him because he wants to be one for halloween next year.

    peace and love my friend.
    ps...wayne really misses you too and wishes you would come home so he could snuggle with you.

  3. So what's your favorite tv show in Europe? Is McDonalds just as yummy? Are the girls asking for pictures with you cause Americans are so good looking? Do they try and talk to you in their stupid languages and stuff? I bet that's just annoying. Like don't they teach English in schools? Also I bet not having a car must really hold you back.
